Alexander Logan


Third-Year Computer Science Project

An application for extracting and altering presentation of information from study materials to support learning through different pedagogical techniques.

My third-year computer science project aimed to take input material in the form of notes or other general factual infromation, and generate questions based on this material to assist with learning the content.

An existing Semantic Role Labelling machine learning model was used to extract relationships between entities in input sentences, which were then used to form questions by altering the structure and principle verb of the sentences.

A model for memory retention was also developed, and used to support the technique of Spaced Repetition using the generated questions.

archr homepage

I created in the summer of 2017 while Records Officer of the University of Warwick Archery Club, with the goal of automating most of the repetetive tasks of the role, while offering more information to individual archers than our previous system did. The site is now open to the public, for both individuals and entire clubs to sign up for and use.

Smaller Things

RuneScape References

I have a collection of various quick references for RuneScape here.


To experiment with the Monzo API, you can see the last time I bought something from Greggs here.